събота, 8 март 2008 г.

Писмо от МПО по повод откриването на паметника на Тодор Александров във Велес

Пратиха ми писмото от МПО по случай откриването на паметника на Тодор Александров във Велес, за което Стоян говореше в репортажа си, с молба да го публикувам

Macedonian Patriotic Organization

of the United States and Canada

n e w s r e l e a s e


March 2, 2008


Dear Mr. Karov and our MPO Patriots,

The Central Committee of the Macedonian Patriotic Organization of the United States and Canada, the oldest and largest Macedonian organization in the world, warmly commends you on your initiative to erect a monument to that great Macedono-Bulgarian Voivoda Todor Alexandroff. He fought to establish a truly free and independent Macedonia, a Switzerland of the Balkans, as did his successor Ivan Mihailoff. The MPO has kept alive Todor's ideals since it was formed in 1922. We are very pleased to see that people like you maintain these same ideals. Your patriotism will be an inspiration to all others in Macedonia who have preserved VMRO's ideals in the face of cruel persecution over the years. Long Live Macedonia!


The Central Committee of the MPO

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